Wednesday, August 20, 2008

To learn from the Catholic Kings of Spain

It seems to me that there is much to be learned from the ideas of the 15th and 16th century kings of Spain in they what they saw was their job in ruling.  Although many people seem to think that this was an era of repression and something that we as enlightened democrats of the English tradition fought against; mostly I think this is English anti-Spain anti-Catholic propaganda we should re-examine these ideas.

The mode of rule that I was talking about, is that the duty of the kind is to emulate Christ in his rule, in the sense that he must sacrifice everything, even his life for the good of his people.  This seems to me to be much more enlightened and less repressive than anything we get from our political leaders today.  When was the last time a president ran on the grounds not of power, or legacy, or some other nonsense and said he would sacrifice his very life for America, or even sacrifice a couple dollars out of his pocket for that matter.

This is the major flaw with the messiahnism of Obama.  He wants to lead us like a god on earth, to bring about a heaven on earth, to be worshiped and followed, but I have never once heard him say he will sacrifice anything to do this.  Sure he asks us to sacrifice much, but doesn't this seem just the opposite of the Spanish way?

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