Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Republican Projection

When I was reading Eric Margolis's article over at this morning the thought occurred to me that the description of Islamic groups and governments as "Islamo-Fascist" must in fact be some type of projection for those who even understand what they are saying.

It should be obvious to anyone that knows what those words mean and knows anything about these groups or governmental structure in the non-Asian Muslim world could see very plainly that Fascism neither describes their current structure nor anything like the desired social organization of these groups.  In fact the more "fundamental" in their religious beliefs they are, the less Fascist and vice-versa.

On the other hand, the mostly Republican groups in the United States that bat about the term Islamo-Fascist appear to be in fact Christo-Fascist, in a very accurate sense.  The tend to subscribe to what are called "fundementalist" Christian sects, the Christian aquivalent of Fundemalist Islam in most peoples minds.  Although I have disagreements with both of the descriptions of these groups, I would agree that they share a restorative viewpoint.

And secondly, these American's, very much unlike their Muslim counterparts are much closer to Fascism in their political leanings.  In their support of the Republican party alone they are support a platform that could easily be described as corporatist.  Not to mention their obvious nationalism, support for military industrial co-operation, use of police power, etc.

Although I think many people simply use the word Fascist to mean some government or policy I don't like, there is no doubt that the intellectuals of the Neo-Con movement and of the Republican party understand what the term really means and must see that they are the aires to this movement, the new corporatists.  I can only imagine that there must be a little bit of projecting in their description of their current scape goat, either that or they are completely blinded themselves to the true nature of reality.

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