When I was reading Eric Margolis's article over at Lewrockwell.com this morning the thought occurred to me that the description of Islamic groups and governments as "Islamo-Fascist" must in fact be some type of projection for those who even understand what they are saying.
It should be obvious to anyone that knows what those words mean and knows anything about these groups or governmental structure in the non-Asian Muslim world could see very plainly that Fascism neither describes their current structure nor anything like the desired social organization of these groups. In fact the more "fundamental" in their religious beliefs they are, the less Fascist and vice-versa.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Joe Biden Huh?
All I can say is wow! The democratic party has picked a vice presidential candidate that essentially erases the few good points about Obama. I'm glad to see that the major political parties are still able to put a ticket together that is completely and totally horrible for every person living in America, and the rest of the world for that matter. Why not just have Obama and McCain be co presidents, when one doesn't want to do a terrible thing for the American people the other one can act as president and vice-versa. What a world.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
To learn from the Catholic Kings of Spain
It seems to me that there is much to be learned from the ideas of the 15th and 16th century kings of Spain in they what they saw was their job in ruling. Although many people seem to think that this was an era of repression and something that we as enlightened democrats of the English tradition fought against; mostly I think this is English anti-Spain anti-Catholic propaganda we should re-examine these ideas.
The mode of rule that I was talking about, is that the duty of the kind is to emulate Christ in his rule, in the sense that he must sacrifice everything, even his life for the good of his people. This seems to me to be
The mode of rule that I was talking about, is that the duty of the kind is to emulate Christ in his rule, in the sense that he must sacrifice everything, even his life for the good of his people. This seems to me to be
Saturday, August 2, 2008
At least they used to be honest
It's nice to see that at least during the Wilson administration they were honest about being socialist. I think that our great war with the Soviet Union has so corrupted the language; in that no party in United States will admit to being any sort of collectivist, that we have forever lost the language to argue about political positions as they really are. We seem to exist in an age of new speak, and as Orwell made so clear, the corruption of language is a method to corrupt thought and empower those who wish to rule us.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Draft Anyone
The national service idea is back in the media today, supported strongly by very old congressman and AARP of course. Wondering if any of them will be showing to be drafted? Glad to see that the fascist art style of the 1930s and 40s will work for fascist propaganda in every era. Along with the fact that this is a hidden draft, and state slavery, but no one seems to mention that this is also essentially the NEW new deal. It will involve a gigantic public works project that will dwarf the CCC and other new deal programs. No depression huh?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Vote by not voting
I have long been against voting, for many reasons. Russ Longcore has an article over at lewrockwell.com that argues the same thing and isn't bad at it. Check it out. In addition to what he said, I've noticed that the candidates spend a great deal of money on advertising, mostly to hide what they actually believe or what they have done. This has made me think of a couple different things. The first is they must have to spend so much because there really is not very much different between them, so the smallest differences have to
crappy beer,
ron paul,
Trading What?
Sorry about not getting those articles up as soon as I said I would, I've been a little busy this weekend (as if anyone is actually reading this). Just on a side note I discovered today that the idiom "Tading Chips" is actually "Trading Chits" in reference to chits used as debt notes being traded. Thanks to Max Kellerman for alerting the sports radio world to this. I always enjoy finding out about the correct use of idioms, their is usually some nice historical knowledge to be gained. Anyway, tonight I promise at least one new article.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The adventure begins
Hello, this is the monumental first post on the Adventures in Fascism blog, as you can see it's already monumental. This blog will primarily discuss issues of social philosophy and current events that I feel are important to talk about. I may also digress into other topics as well: news stories I find interesting, sports, history, or whatever I feel like. So stay tuned, I have some stuff that will appear later today or tomorrow morning about personal economics and messianism in the current presidential campaign.
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