Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miami Shore


Before I write about all the important stuff I’ve been meaning to write about the last 3 days I have to talk about the Jersey Shore Season 2 premier tonight, something I’ve been anticipating and dreading for months now.  I have to say that if you really want a good run down of the show you have to listen to the first 15 minutes of the Tony Kornheiser show from this morning as he tries to wrap his head around the idea of the show, absolutely priceless.  Of course Michael Cera has been added to the cast as a sorta nerdy hipster writing an article for his school newspaper and falling in love with an outcast Jersey girl that doesn’t fit in or something.

What we do have is the Jersey shore Guidpatrol being sent to Miami the Jersey Shore of the south.  Let’s not pretend for a second that South Beach of LeBron and Hollywood is not the real Miami by any means.  Anyone who has read a Florida newspaper knows that is in every way the dong of America and while Miami isn’t the white trash shit whole that northern and central Florida is, it has it’s own flavor or trash assitude.

I’m quite sure that the Jersey shore kids will fit in just fine with the slightly racially different, but culturally similar Miami beach scene.  Not fitting in, or not getting drunk enough, or not finding people to fight was never going to be the problem.  The problem was going to be what happened to the Real World over the first 3 or 4 seasons, which due to this new media age and what has occurred before this process will have sped up greatly.  When the Jersey Shore first hit the scene what separated it from the later years of the Real World and all the other realty shows on TV at the moment is that the Shore was not self aware at all, absolutely no post modernism at all.  These people were actually like this, they simply acted like themselves, almost unaware that they were on MTV.

This is no longer the case.  They have been swept up into the MTV reality celebrity machine, taken around the world to do appearances, opening clubs, told how to speak, how to interview, had their most guido trash ass edges sanded off.  And most of all, they have to know what it is to be reality stars, they have seen the scripting, the editing the finished product.  They know what sells, what doesn’t, the finished product, so once the curtain has been pulled back and wizard has been seen how can they close their eyes and forget what they’ve learned and return to the glory of last season.

If there has every been a group of people that had a chance of doing this, it is these guys, they are the only ones that could pull this off, so we can only hope that all the hairspray has killed their long term memory, that the axe body spray and the Ed Hardy cologne has destroyed their minds they can return to the innocents of season 1, we can only hope.

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